
Links and info pages for Salty's FR blog!

Personal Info

  • Salty/Prince/Lyra/Rose

  • any pronouns, bi + nonbinary, 2002

  • Finnish (10 hours ahead of FR server time)

  • interests cycle frequently, I might not always be active on this blog but I don't intend to delete it!

Blog Info

  • follows/replies from @suolainensilakka!

  • FR username: Suolainensilakka #472983

  • Water Flight

  • FR commissions: currently closed

  • fave breeds: ridgebacks, skydancers, obelisks, imperials, wildclaws, aberrations

  • fave genes: wasp/bee, starmap/constellation, flaunt/flair, ragged/tear, pharaoh, noxtide, opal, fans, frills, stained

  • I don't run a dedicated hatchery/skin shop/adopts shop but ask me about it and I might be able to work with you! I can loan dragons for breeding projects and sell some if they're in my sales tab/hibernal sales tab, ask me about it

  • if you need me to tag anything specific (including genes/familiars) please don’t hesitate to ask! I’ll tag genes like so: #[example] gene, with [example] being replaced by each individual gene name

  • PLEASE show me your water-themed dragons in brown/blue/green tones, I beg of you


The sound of rushing water is far from a surprising noise in a Water lair carved into the heart of a rocky island halfway submerged within the Sea of a Thousand Currents, and is the first of many sounds that travelers hear when they enter through the barriers of the lair’s walls and into the sprawling network of caverns nestled within.In the heart of the lair lays a massive crater filled with crystal-clear water a brilliant shade of cerulean, surrounding several tall pillars of stone rising from the core of the pool - a place the lair’s residents refer to as the Lagoon. Entrances and pathways carved into the stone line the walls of the lair, connected to the pillars through countless bridges weaving across the air above the water, and dozens of dragons can be seen up and about, milling around the intricate caverns and chatting with each other.Laughter and friendly banter follows the ears of both visitors and residents alike, giving the entire lair a welcoming and open atmosphere that allows even the weariest travelers to relax and enjoy the clan’s exquisite seafood and lovingly crafted souvenirs of sculpted gemstones and preserved fossils.The Cobalt Caverns are known as a safe haven for all who are in need, and a thriving community of mages, healers and researchers ensure that not only are fellow dragons tended to with care, but the surrounding marine ecosystem is similarly prized and guarded to preserve the rich and diverse life of the lair’s waters.

One of these days I'll get to updating/writing up lore for all my individual dragons but that day is not today. Lord help me there's so many